When Mega Power Star Ram Charan announced his Bollywood entry with Zanjeer remake, mega fans celebrated it like a festival. However it seems stars are not smiling on him as the film till recently got entangled in legal problems.
Since Ram Charan is a non entity in Bollywood,filmakers planned to ride on the stardom of Sanjay Dutt and beauty of Priyanka Chopra. However Sanjay Dutt went to jail and his recently released Police Giri did not do well at the box office.
Filmmakers are now pretty much worried as to the fate of Zanjeer which is due for release on Sep 6th. The flop of Police Giri came as a shock to Ram Charan. The film is releasing in Telugu as Toofan. It has to be seen how Zanjeer insulate itself against these shocks.
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