Kalyan Ram has an action image on-screen. Although he has tried his hand at romance, never before he has done a full-fledged love story. Probably, Kalyan Ram’s next (his 15th film) Naa Nuvve seems to be his attempt to transform into a lover boy. For this, he has rightly collaborated with acclaimed director Jayendra, of 180 movie fame. The makers have unveiled the film’s song promo Chiniki Chiniki and the song unleashes an unknown side romantic side of Kalyan Ram. Of course, Tamanna steals the show with her glam element. The promo of the song shows lead pair grooving well.
Billed to be a magical love story, Tamanna will be seen as a radio jockey Meera in ‘Magic 100 FM’. PC Sreeram’s visuals are absolute stunner for the film which has Jayendra’s direction. Sharreth’s music is soothing. The promos indicate that the film will be a magical, musical love story. The film’s makers are aiming at May 25 release.
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