For the last couple of days, the scandal pics, videos and inside emails being leaked via ‘hacked’ twitter account of singer Suchitra is triggering a lot of uproar within and outside Tamil film industry. After a series of photos and a nude video allegedly of a top heroine were leaked and they continue to create a storm, the ‘hacked’ account claimed to post more scandal videos and pictures of Dhanush, Andrea, Anirudh and singer Chinmayi on Monday. It’s also leveled several allegations against Chinmayi.
With this twitterati, fans, media is abuzz with a lot of questions to both the hacked account and the celebrities involved. Responding to the fresh round of shocking allegations, Chinmayi and her husband-actor Rahul have responded on the issue.
“Rahul and I spoke to Karthik Kumar, when the issue first started and we understood immediately when he told us she was unwell. An emotional meltdown can happen to anyone. And Karthik Kumar put out a video on FB yesterday thanking people for the support. Let us be honest, a LOT of us have gone through major stresses, or our family members have. We dont talk about it. Thats all. However, whatever is going on in her account right now, (she blocked me ages ago for reasons best known to her) is WRONG! Effing wrong. Nonetheless, my conscience is clear and have nothing to be afraid of. I ll choose to be the better person,” wrote Chinmayi Sripada, a singer and dubbing artiste.
As messages and tweets poured in and several concerned were worried about the alleged videos, pics that were threatened to be leaked on Monday, Chinmayi’s better half and actor Rahul responded, “I love this girl.she’s a wonderful human being.And I know it better than anyone else.If others were as wonderful they’d learn to behappy too.”
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