On August 22 this year, Telugu Mega Star Chiranjeevi turned 60 and as expected celebrations were all over the place. From superstar Salman Khan to Nagarjuna Akkineni to southern stars Balakrishna, Suriya to top directors, politicians, and creme dela creme of society were part of grand gala do and greeted the star.
However, his younger brother Pawan Kalyan, who is equally a big star and turning 44 on Wednesday (Sep 2), is quite different from his elder brother. Unlike his brother, Pawan Kalyan has totally cut off from the rest of the world for his birthday and has left to an undisclosed place along with his close-knit family.
“He (Pawan) doesn’t like to celebrate his birthday and doesn’t want to be seen or greeted by fans, closed ones and hence he left to an undisclosed place. This is not first-time either. He does the same for each and every birthday right from his childhood and this time too he’s no different,” said a source close to the star who doesn’t even know where Pawan Kalyan is.
It’s learnt that Pawan Kalyan is accompanied by his wife Anna Lezhneva and the duo’s daughter. Neither his close aides nor any of his team members or house keepers know where he headed with family. Contrary to his Mega Star brother Chiranjeevi, Pawan wants to maintain to keep his birthday very low-key affair and doesn’t want to be in public domain at all.
“Once he returns to Hyderabad, he will join the shoot of Sardaar Gabbar Singh, franchise of his previous blockbuster Gabbar Singh. Pawan is taking care of each and every detail of the film in which he has put in his heart, soul,” said the star’s close friend and producer Sharrath Marar.
Chiranjeevi and Pawan Kalyan might be the two of the biggest stars in the Telugu film industry and might have forayed into politics by floating their own political outfits Praja Rajyam, Jana Sena respectively. Chiru merged his Praja Rajyam with Congress and presently a member of Rajaya Saba of Congress. However, Pawan didn’t contest the general elections but supported TDP-BJP combine and campaigned for the NDA without expecting anything.
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