However, sources say the I-T raids could have been targeted at Pradesh Congress Committee president Botsa Satyanarayana who was engaged in a sort of cold war with Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy. There were reports that it was Botsa who is the actual financier for Ganesh’s films, but in a clandestine manner. In fact, Ganesh himself admitted in the past that he was a close associate of Botsa.
The meeting of the PCC president with Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy within an hour of the IT officials’ raid on Ganesh house on Tuesday lent credence to the speculations that the raids definitely have political implications.
Ganesh who began as a small time comedian in films, produced several movies in the past such as Anjaneyulu and Gabbar Singh and now, he is producing Badshah with Junior NTR, besides two more films with Allu Arjun and Ram Charan Teja. And definitely, he has to have the sound financial background. The IT officials are now digging his background.
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