Controversies continue to dog Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu. Even as the huge expenditure on his camp offices in Hyderabad, Vijayawada and Guntur and his latest decision to stay at a star hotel in Hyderabad along with his family have become a subject of criticism, the two-day Collectors’ Conference being held in Vijayawada has also become a controversy.
According to reports, the conference is being held at a function hall supposedly belonging to a Telugu Desam Party MP.It is learnt the government is spending Rs 1 crore on holding the conference at the function hall. Needless to say, the MP makes a good amount of money through the conference.
The question is why the government has chosen this function hall, instead of holding the Collectors’ conference at Vijayawada Municipal Corporation conference hall or other government office premises.Moreover, the said function hall is located far away from the city and the government had to make transport arrangements for the Collectors from the hotels to the venue.What do you call it, if not misuse of official machinery?
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