Actor Suttivelu, breathed his last today in Chennai. The veteran comedian had been battling health issues since last one year and after being critically ill Suttivelu died in the early hours. He will be created today in Chennai.
Born on August 7, 1947, His real name is Kurumadhali Lakshmi Narasimha Rao and became ‘Suttivelu’ after his character ‘Sutti’ became super hit in Nalugu Sthambalata. Suttivelu’s comic films spanned for more than 2 decades over 200 films from 1980’s.Known for this comic timing, dialogues and expressions, Suttivelu was portrayed well in director Jandhyala’s comedy films. His collaboration with Sutti Veerabhadrarao is very popular and the duo was nicknamed Sutti Janta. Suttivelu received Nandi Award for Best Supporting Actor for the film Vandematharam.
He suffered from severe financial problems in his final days. He acted in several TV serials towards the end of his days.
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