Nagarjuna and Karthi’s bilingual film in the direction of Vamshi Paidipalli is in a deep trouble now. The movie which was in shoot, was based on a French film, The untouchables. However recently Karan Johar had purchased the remake rights of the film and is likely to serve a copyrights notice to the makers.
The makers of the bilingual films are mulling on the options of dragging themselves out of this mess. Since they have already started shooting, they are likely to arrive at a compromise with Karan Johar paying a hefty fine.
Nagarjuna will be seen as a patient suffering from a deadly disease while Karthi will be his care taker. The film is having music by Gopi Sundar of Ustaad hotel. Potluri Vara Prasad is producing the film under his PVP Cinemas banner.
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