Telangana Industry and IT Minister KT Rama Rao made it clear that a clarity on dissolving the Assembly and go for early elections will come in four days. Amidst the reports that CM KCR is set to announce dissolving the Assembly on September 6, the minister statement assumed a political significance.
KTR said the count down began to finalise the early elections. Pragathi Nivedana Sabha was being organized to explain people the KCR government’s endeavor to make the new state a ‘Bangaru Telangana’. He rubbished Telangana Congress leader A Revanth Reddy’s comment that KCR and Co looted the state. “Yes, we have looted but it is Telangana people’s hearts and not money as alleged by the opposition.’
The minister also took a broadside at Revanth and TPCC President N Uttam Kumar Reddy. The Congress leaders are dancing to the tune of Delhi bosses, he alleged.
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