On Tuesday the Hyderabad High Court has given instructions to the University of Hyderabad and Cyberabad Police Commissioner about the petition to seek immediate action to maintain peace and normalcy in the university. The court has ordered the University, Vice Chancellor, Dean Student’s welfare and Commissioner of Police Cyberabad, were asked to respond within two weeks time.
The assistant professor cum Principal Gali Vinod Kumar, of PG College of Law, from Osmania University has sought direction to form an independent committee to hold talks with the students, the university management and the police to solve all the problems which have happened.
The petitioner has prayed for direction to State Legal Services Authority to conduct a meditation panel and he was also called for declaring it as illegal, arbitrary and unconstitutional actions which was taken by the respondents since January 3rd and when five Dalit Research Scholars began a protest and followed that they were suspended.
The petitioner has stated the police actions against the students followed by their arrest on March 22nd when they were fighting against Appa Rao’s arrival after two months. Meanwhile the petitioner was worried about the lives of the students. The Justice Challa Kodandaram has issued notices to the respondents and has adjourned the hearing by two weeks.
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