An era in Telugu film industry has come to an end as ace filmmaker Dasari Narayana Rao has died on Tuesday. Dasari, who had been suffering from multiple-organ failures since January this year, breathed his last today at a private hospital. He was 75-year-old. Dasari is survived by two sons and a daughter. One of them Dasari Arun Kumar tried his hand as hero but didn’t succeed. Dasari’s wife and film producer Dasari Padma passed away in October 2011. Since Padma’s demise, Dasari had been missing her a lot.
Earlier in the day, the medical bulletin from the hospital stated that Dasari underwent a reconstructive surgery of Oesophagus and following the surgery, he had developed renal failure to which he said to had succumbed. Although he was provided hemodialysis, it couldn’t help as organs didn’t support due to his age.
A writer, actor, producer, lyricist, Dasari was a multi-talented personality. He had directed over 150 films and held a record in Guinness Book of Records for directing highest number of films. He even directed few Hindi films. He worked as a Minister of State for Coal under former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s tenure in UPA government.
Dasari was earlier admitted to the hospital in January and after a prolonged treatment he was discharged from the hospital in March. He even celebrated his 75th birthday on May 4 at his residence in the presence of several film personalities.
The entire film fraternity has condoled the demise of Dasari who had been torchbearer and head of the industry. AP CM Chandrababu Naidu, Telangana CM KCR and political leaders of all parties expressed their condolences.
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