BJP Union Minister Dattatreya seems to be wisely washed off his hands. Sometime back Dattatreya in Vijayawada,speaking to scribes expressed concerns on the situation between two states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana and added that he will act as a bridge between both CMs Chandra Babu and KCR.
Many felt that atleast some one recognised the gravity of the situation. However responding on Revanth Reddy’s arrest in cash for votes scam and also the tapes pertaining to voice of CM Chandra Babu, Dattatreya said the developments are not good for anyone.
He added he cannot comment on the tapes but said Governor ESL.Narasimhan will handle the serious matter. Many are of the opinion that Dattatreya might have realised how difficult to solve the burning problems between Chandra Babu and KCR in the wake of their towering egos.
Both are behaving as if Telangana and Andhra Pradesh as their personal jagirs and stopped bothering about the people of both states.
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