A day after the no-confidence motion moved by Chandrababu Naidu’s Telugu Desam Party was defeated in the Lok Sabha, Jagan Mohan Reddy of YSR Congress has called a state-wide bandh against what he claimed was the “injustice done by the BJP government”.Andhra Pradesh has been demanding a special status, which would involve extensive financial benefits. The state says its economy has taken a blow after Telangana was formed.
“We will support any party at the national level. Our only demand is special category status to Andhra Pradesh,” Jagan Mohan Reddy said.”We are calling for Andhra Pradesh bandh on July 24, against the injustice done by the BJP government,” Mr Reddy said.Chandrababu Naidu had quit the NDA earlier this year over this issue. PM Modi said he told the Chief Minister that he moved the no-confidence motion “just because of your internal politics with the YSR Congress Party”.
In his speech, PM Modi had revealed that when the TDP decided to walk out of the NDA, he had warned Mr Naidu that his party was “getting entangled in a race of one-upmanship with the YSR Congress”.”I told the chief minister that you are doing this just because of your internal politics with the YSR Congress,” PM Modi said, adding that the TDP had used parliament to deal with his “domestic problems”.
But Mr Naidu had long suspected that it was the BJP that had been blatantly “promoting” Jaganmohan Reddy and his party, the YSR Congress, which left him with no option but to end the partnership.
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