The prestigious project of Andhra Pradesh government, under which they decided to acquire farm lands through land pooling, is presently half way through. Meanwhile, the deadline announced by the government in the past is just three days away. The government had initially planned to acquire 37,000 acres of land in 29 villages identified as the core area.
For this, the AP government had come up with the ‘land pooling’ scheme. While farmers in some villages are totally for the process, a majority of farmers in the demarcated area are unwilling to part with their fertile lands. While 9200 farmers have voluntarily given letters accepting the deal, nearly 14,000 farmers continue to oppose the idea.
In fact, a story on similar lines has appeared in media which is pro ruling TDP party. As of now, the government is yet to acquire 19,000 acres as per the original plan. And that has to be done in three days. However, it is not clear as to how much land the government can procure in the next three days. If the government manages to reach its mark, then it will be quite an achievement indeed.
But given the present scenario, it appears to be unreachable, at least for now. On the other hand, the government too is keen on getting its way. Both the government and the officials are hinting that if the farmers don’t give away their lands voluntarily, the government would be compelled to snatch their lands as per the ‘land pooling act’.
Now, if the government actually uses the act and acquires land through force, then it will be nothing short of political hara-kiri for Chandra Babu Naidu. It is time Babu realized this harsh reality before taking any step that will be detrimental both to farmers and to self.
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