Legendary Bapu has recently left Tollywood in doldrums with his sudden and untimely demise. Known for taking Telugu culture to next level with his movies and drawings, Bapu always stood tall in representation of Telugu values and ethics on silver screen. What will be the best farewell for him then?
Made with intense cultural values and bonds between people that are highly predominant in Telugu families, Krishna Vamsi’s upcoming ‘Govindudu Andarivadele’ could be a real tribute to the legendary Bapu. We hear that Krishna Vamsi has echoed his opinion of dedicating Ram Charan’s GAV to Bapu and it got immediate consent from Megastar Chiranjeevi. Probably this is the first film that is being dedicated to the national award winning late director. Official confirmation about this happening is yet to come from producer Bandla Ganesh.
GAV is being sent for Censor examination on September 26th, while film is supposed to hit screens on October 1st. Ram Charan is getting into shoes of a family hero for the first time, while an ensemble of star cast like Kajal, Prakash Raj, Srikanth and Kamilini support him.
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