Couple of weeks ago, Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone was in news for her controversial My Choice video. The film, in the name of women empowerment, portrayed its boisterous take on women’s freedom in sensitive matters like infidelity. Clarifying her stance for the first time since the controversy, Deepika took a total U-turn and said that she never promoted marriage infidelity through the film.
The sultry beauty said that the matter was blown out of proportion and that even she was not convinced with the infidelity part. Deepika further said that she still went ahead with the shooting since she felt that the video needed her to propagate a much larger message and also said that she is very happy with the final film.
This sudden clarification from Deepika invited a lot of flak from cynical social birds, who have been saying that Deepika chose to spoke about the controversial video now keeping her Friday release, Piku in mind. The annoyed fans even said that Deepika’s statement now is nothing but a mere publicity gimmick by her PR team.
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