While the virtual rivalry between Nandamuri heroes Balakrishna and Jr NTR is triggering new debates in Telugu film and political circles, one enthusiastic section from cinema critics group is worried on how good Kona Venkat and Gopi Mohan would come back into form if their template of ‘Dictator’ works wonders at Box Office. In fact, the entry of Dil Raju into scene and taking up ‘Dictator’ Nizam area distribution rights is the latest move creating sensations in film circles.
Off late, Kona and Gopi struggled a lot with back to back disasters as critics and industry has unanimously raised the voice to declare the end of Kona time. Either he has to change the template or take voluntary retirement is the common verdict passed which might be subjective to individual interpretations.
Now, there is a positive buzz coming for ‘Dictator’ needs to be viewed in a new angle. Whether this is happening due to presence of Balakrishna as hero and this is his 99th film or is this a deliberate plan by director Sriwass and EROS to secure good openings? Above all, what would be the position of Tollywood if really Kona and Gopi sparkle up Box Office with ‘Dictator?’
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