TV star Prabhakar turned director with Aadi Saikumar’s horror comedy, Next Nuvve. The film, produced by Allu Aravind, UV Creations and Studio Green, bombed miserably at the box-office. Even before Next Nuvve’s release, Prabhakar had signed his second directorial venture.
Prabhakar’s second film as director ‘Brand Babu’ released last Friday and it received heavy criticism. The film has been declared a huge flop. Now, here’s an unknown aspect behind Prabhakar’s stint as a director.Apparently, Prabhakar had invested 50 per cent of the budgets for both Next Nuvve and Brand Babu. Since both the movies were colossal disasters, Prabhakar lost his hard-earned money and burnt his hands due to his direction dreams.
Now, it’s being said that Prabhakar is planning to go back to television. He is talking to his friends and is discussing a couple of shows to bring himself back on track. This means that he has taken a break from direction for a while.
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