Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu is hectic busy with new capital city Amaravathi inauguration preparations. To amass funds for Amaravathi construction, Chandrababu is doing various programs. On part of this, Naidu has launched a website named- My Brick My Amaravathi. He has asked people of the state to donate one brick worth Rs 10 or else deposit Rs 10 through the portal. Within no time, NRIs showed keen interest in donating funds.
In fact, Chandrababu initially considered of launching the website with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Although Naidu has changed the plan as he thought it would be better initiating the program bit earlier than the scheduled time and show the public response to Modi. The TDP Chief has launched the website today in the morning in the presence of ministers and higher officials.
Ministers slammed the rumors of state government spending Rs 400 crores on Amaravathi foundation stone-laying ceremony clarifying they are expending only Rs 10 crores for the ceremony. They also explained that, industrialists are voluntarily providing helicopters and flights for the program.
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