In an untoward incident, seven people, including two policemen, were injured after an escort vehicle from Telangana Deputy Chief Minister T Rajaiah’s convoy hit other vehicles at Yashwanthapur village in Raghunathpalle mandal of Warangal district on Sunday evening. It was reported when Rajaiah’s convoy was coming towards Hanumakonda.
With the car got punctured all of a sudden, the driver of the vehicle lost control and said to have hit a scooter and other vehicles running ahead. It also collided with some other vehicles coming from the opposite direction. Fortunately, all escaped with minor injuries and bruises. “Seven persons received minor injuries in the incident.
They were taken to a hospital in Janagoan, but were later discharged,” said SI of Raghunathpalle.Two policemen of Raghunathpalle police station, G Jaganmohan and K Babu were also among the seven injured. Further investigation into the case is on.
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