Tamil superstar Vijay’s Puli fetched eight crores for its Telugu dubbed version. This is a huge deal considering Vijay’s market in Telugu. His recent release Jilla did fairly well over here, but eight crores for his film is too big amount. Looks like Sridevi’s presence played huge role in it.
Sridevi played a key role in Puli, a folklore Tamil film made on a high budget. Shruti Haasan and Hansika did the female leads in this film that has Sudeep as the antagonist. Heavy star cast and the high production values grabbed eyeballs of Telugu market circles. Puli is also being called as Tamil Baahubali must be another reason for this handsome deal.
Puli will be released simultaneously in Telugu in a big way. This is going to be the biggest release for Vijay in Telugu. This is best chance for him to make a lasting impression in Tollywood. He is the only Tamil superstar that failed to expand his market in Telugu while all other top Tamil heroes have made a mark.
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