Amrutha Fadnavis, wife of Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, faced a kind of embarrassment in Sholapur district where she attended a programme organized by Patanjali group to promote their products. Senior Bollywood actress and Lok Sabha MP Hema Malini also attended this event.
The wife of 18th CM of Maharashtra faced the heat of women from self-help groups who demanded shouted slogans against CM Devendra Fadnavis and demanded her to be part of marketing for the products they manufacture.
Mrs. Fadnavis, who holds a top-level role in Axis Bank, certified that ‘Patanjali’ brand has got good name among commoners and any product from Patanjali has become a blind buy in the market.
While the meeting was on, the women groups and workers of Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) protested outside the venue and that has come down as an unexpected embarrassment for both Amrutha Fadnavis and organizers. She was not able to understand what was going around for the next few minutes.
The Maharastra state police have taken those protesters into custody but didn’t file any case against them. After few hours of questioning, they were released from police custody.
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