Telangana CM KCR has cautioned his party leaders of losing the confidence among their constituency people. Stating that even the great mass leader like NTR lost in elections as his government failed to perform, KCR said that people themselves will roll out the red carpet in the coming elections if the government works hard towards solving their problems.
Speaking at the TRSLP meet, KCR told his party MLAs, MPs and other leaders that no government that ignores its people survived in elections. The TRS supremo further said that it is normal for any government to face antiincumbency among the voters. KCR suggested his MLAs to keep in constant touch with their voters to earn their trust.
KCR further asked his people’s representatives to check their language and attitude while interacting with the people. The CM cited former Dubbaka MLA Mutyam Reddy’s example and said that even though he was a good man and a hard working MLA, his short Temper led to his defeat in the elections. Finally, KCR warned his leaders of defeat in the coming elections if the government fails to perform.
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