The opposition leader of Andhra Pradesh state assembly, YS Jagan Mohan Reddy on Tuesday paid a visit to Nandigama govt hospital where the victims of Mullapudi bus accident were admitted. Besides demanding the justice and compensation, YSRCP leader has attempted something unique and involved the bureaucrats and other officials in his attacks against state government.
When the opposition leader was supposed to speak with media, he literally created a flutter by physically grappling the postmortem, other medical reports from doctors team, engaged in a serious altercation with Krishna district collector and accused them of protecting Diwakar Travels in this issue.
‘The entire department from Police to the collector stands corrupt, stands judgmental,’ alleged Jagan Mohan Reddy while warning that he’d take action against everyone when he comes to power in next two years. He also went to allege that CM is trying to safeguard his party MLA and MP, who owns the bus that fell into water culvert in Krishna district- leading to death of 9 travelers.
Demanding an ex gratia of 20 lakh to the families of bereaved, Jagan iterated, ‘govt should take stringent actions against travel companies in such a way that such incidents should not take place again.’ Before Jagan’s visit, YSRCP leaders have reportedly argued with hospital staff and stopped them from moving the dead bodies until their leader’s visit.
This is not the first time Mr. Reddy fired at officials and stated ‘I will see your end when I am in power in next two years.’ During his visit to Vishakapatnam on 26th January, he was halted by district police at airport premises and that lead to strong backlash from him.
He might be the leader of opposition but we do not intend to see him act like this, opine people of social media. ‘Having himself gone to jail on corruption charges, it’s unfair for Jagan to falsely allege against respectful IAS & IPS officers,’ is an other argument.
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