Nandamuri Balakrishna’s Prestigious 100th film will based on a historical story, ‘Gowthamputhra Sathakarani’ and the official announcement of the project will arrive very soon. The movie is being planned for Sankranthi — 2017 release. Krish is currently busy giving final touches to the script.
Our sources in Krish’s camp tells us that there is an important role in the film and Krish is in talks with Rana to play the character in the film. Yodhudu/Gowthamiputhra Sathakarani are the titles in the rumour mills. Sai Korrapati’s Vaarahi Chalana Chitra and Krish’s First Frame Entertainments will be jointly producing the film.
Rumours are rife that the movie will have the launch in Amaravati, the upcoming capital of AP on April 8th as Ugadi Special. It is said that director Krish had deployed 20 Research Scholars to dig in to the history of that time. Balakrishna already started growing a beard and will undergo look test very soon. The actor is also undergo training in horse riding at Hyderabad Polo and Riding Club, Gandipet.
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