Earlier this year, Mega Power Star Ram Charan and Stylish Star Allu Arjun teamed up together for a Multistarer film, Yevadu. And now they are teaming up once again, this time under the direction of Maruthi. However this combination is not for a film but for a skit in Memu Saitham event. Bunny and Charan had already shot for this skit and the recorded version will be telecast on that day. Industry did not announce a holiday that day and so most film shootings are on in those days too.
So these skits are pre-recorded to suit the schedules of the stars. But all the star heroes are particular about attending at least one of the three events planned – Telethon, Cricket Match and Dine With the Stars. All the proceedings from these programs will go for the victims of Hudhud Cyclone. It is also known to our readers that Power Star Pawan Kalyan and Superstar Mahesh Babu will also be acting in a skit for Memu Saitham in the direction of Trivikram Srinivas.
This skit is also a recorded version. These skits will be telecast in the special telethon that has been planned on the 30th of this month. Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu will be the Chief Guest for the closing ceremony.
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