Young Actor Sharwanand’s Express Raja had completed its full run at the box office some time ago. The movie had amassed 13.3 Crore Share Worldwide in its full run and ended as a super hit at the box office. The movie had got limited number of screens during the Sankranthi season. It did not release in Karnataka and ROI in the first week due to theaters problem.
However the film dared the competition and managed to become a success. The film also got profits to every one involved in the trade. This is the second solo hit to the actor after Run Raja Run. Both of them coming from the same production house, UV Creations. Here is the breakup of Express Raja Final Total Collections:
Nizam | 4.25 Crore |
Ceeded | 1.35 Crore |
Uttarandhra | 1.35 Crore |
East | 1 Crore |
West | 0.75 Crore |
Krishna | 0.87 Crore |
Guntur | 1.23 Crore |
Nellore | 0.37 Crore |
Nizam+AP | 11.17 Crore |
Karnataka | 0.60 Crore |
Rest | 0.10 Crore |
USA | 1.43 Crore |
Total WW | 13.3 Crore |
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