Director Ram Gopal Varma has intervened in the issue between hero Nandamuri Balakrishna and Naga Babu. Praising the mega brother, RGV tweeted that Naga Babu has surpassed him with his comments and at the same time defending his brothers Chiranjeevi and Pawan Kalyan.
“I feel jealous looking at your (Naga Babu) comments. You have turned a superstar backing your brothers. Tears are rolling out of my eyes. (Oka kanta kanneru ..Maro kanta panneru). Hats off Naga Babu,” tweeted RGV. The director the lastly added that he loves Chiranjeevi and Pawan Kalyan as much Naga Babu does.
Well during Megastar’s re-entry to films, RGV continuously target him. Naga Babu went on a verbal war with RGV then. However in the latest issue between NBK and Mega brother, RGV is making use it to promote his upcoming movie ‘Lakshmi’s NTR.’
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