Now a days Tollywood film makers are following new techniques which they learnt from their counterparts especially Bollywood. Bollywood film makers to generate interest in their projects maintain utmost secrecy so that no one can get to know the storyline of the film or day to day developments. They take steps in such a manner that none can use their personal mobiles and no one should bring anything from house. They will be doing frisking and even erect CC cameras to follow the actions of unit members and artists.
It seems similar trend is catching up in tollywood. Recently Srinu Vytla maintained secret about Young Tiger NTR’s new look in ‘Badshah’ which unfortunately was revealed due to the political developments in his TDP party. As such the film’s shooting is in progress and according to information one unit memeber recorded and took some snaps on his mobile. A furious Srinu Vytla slapped him and shouted at him saying if these snaps are leaked craze on film will be reduced.
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