Vijay Devarakonda’s upcoming film “Arjun Reddy” is all set to hit screens next week. The film has good buzz going for it, thanks to the interesting promos. The film’s director Sandeep Vanga, who claims Vijay to be the perfect choice to play the ‘temperamental’ protagonist in his film, has now divulged that he had approached another young hero before zeroing in on the ‘Pelli Choopulu’ hero.
During a recent interview, Sandeep Vanga disclosed that he first narrated the story to Sharwanand, who liked it very much. ‘He however couldn’t come on board due to various reasons. After meeting Vijay Devarakonda, I felt he was perfect for the protagonist of my film,’ he added.
Taking about how difficult it was to get a producer, Vanga divulged, “It is not easy for a debut director to find a producer, especially if you have a novel script in hand. After many producers closed door on my face, my brother kept trust in me and invested money on my brainchild.’
The director claimed that ‘Arjun Reddy’ is not just about anger management and it has varied range of emotions. The film is slated to hit screens on August 25
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