While King Nagarjuna is arriving as ‘The Ghost’ in Telugu, Karunada Chakravarthy Shivarajkumar is hitting the screens as ‘Ghost’ in Kannada. This action heist thriller is made on a pan-Indian scale and it is going to be released in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Hindi and Malayalam languages. Made under Sandesh Productions banner, this film is directed by ‘Birbal’ fame Srini. Politician and producer Sandesh Nagraj is bankrolling this prestigious project on a grand scale.
According to reports, Shivarajkumar immensely liked the climax and was impressed by the way it has been written. This concept of action heist drama has been narrated with an intriguing screenplay and it is going to cater to all sections of the audience. It is Shivarajkumar’s birthday today and Baadshah Kiccha Sudeep released the First Poster of ‘Ghost’ wishing Shivanna a very happy birthday.
With an intense look, Shivarajkumar is looking very powerful whilst holding a gun. The revolver blended with a car gives a clear picture about the genre of the film. With the searchlight, bikers, cars.. the poster is well detailed and takes the expectations a notch higher. Mahendra Simha is the cinematographer of this film while Arjun Janya is the music composer. Masthi and Prasanna VM are the dialogue writers while Shivakumar of ‘KGF’ fame is the art director. ‘Ghost’ is produced by top production house Sandesh Productions which has several superhits like Airavata, Hatavaadi, Mannina Dhoni, Asura, Mommoga etc to its credit. The release date of this film is yet to be announced.
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