The much awaited first look of Ram Charan-Sukumar’s upcoming rural period drama Rangasthalam is here. It is a dance still of Ram Charan dressed like a typical village youth from the eighties.Ram Charan’s styling and looks as Chitti Babu are very authentic and the poster itself will give a feel that he is in for a stunning image makeover.
The makers also have got rid of the 1985 number from the title and stick with Rangasthalam title.Title font also has been done in eighties style. Mythri Movie Makers made it official that the film will hit the screens on March 30, 2018. It will be the first biggie this summer from Tollywood.
Samantha, Aadhi Pinishetty and Jagapathi Babu are playing the other main characters in this period romance set in the eighties.
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