After eluding for hours, finally the first look of Pawan Kalyan from Sardaar Gabbar Singh has been unveiled on the eve of Independence Day. Wishing all Indians a Happy Independence Day, the first look has been released as a tribute to the patriots. Sharing the picture from Sarddar official handle, the post reads, “#SardaarGabbarSingh #PSPK #PawanKalyan wishes all #Indians #HappyIndependenceDay #JaiHind #India.”
Writer-turned-director KS Ravindra alias Bobby, who made a splashy debut with Power, is wielding the megaphone. Bobby has replaced director Sampath Nandi after the latter walked out of the project for unknown reasons. Kajal Aggarwal has been zeroed in on as the lead actress opposite Pawan replacing Anisha Ambrose. Pawan’s close friend Sharrath Marar is producing the most-awaited film under his home banner North Star Entertainment in association with Pawan Kalyan Creative Works. Commenting on the poster, Sharrath tweeted, “#SardaarGabbarSingh strides in all guns blazing.”
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