Coming November 15, the Andhra Pradesh Express has been called as Telangana Express. The Railway Department has passed orders confirming the change of the name for the AP Express. Bearing Train No. 12723/12724, AP Express shuttles between Hyderabad and New Delhi.
Ever since the bifurcation of AP has been done and new state Telangana is carved out, there has been a greater demand for change of the name of the AP Express. Bowing down to its pressure, Railway department finally corroborated the change of name in a statement released on Thursday. It stated that the new name will come into existence from Nov 15 and referred as Telangana Express while communicating.
Considering that Hyderabad is part of Telangana and no longer be the capital of AP after 10 years, the ruling TRS and several other Telangana leaders had demanded for the change of name. The train which starts in Hyderabad reaches to New Delhi via Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.
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