Mega star Chiranjeevi is all set to celebrate his 60th birthday on August 22nd. Reportedly, fans associations from whole Telangana State and Andhra Pradesh decided to celebrate it very grandly under the organization of Akila Bharatha Chiranjeevi Fans President Swamy Naidu. Fans are busy with the arrangements and lack of funds became a huge road block for the event.
They have decided to collect money in the name of Chiru’s birthday celebrations. 5,000 Rs per head is collected and a target of around 1 crore is set. Chiranjeevi’s 150th movie details are also expected to be revealed that day, and it is one of the reasons why that day was more special to all the fans of Mega Family. Reportedly all the fans were eagerly waiting for the star’s 60th birthday to be celebrate in every district headquarter on a grand scale.
Chiranjeevi is now busy with the political steps with congress party. Even his 150th film preparations, he is also maintaining some time for his political career. Chiranjeevi is a very wide actor with many blockbusters and records in his kitty. But, celebrating his birthday with donations may lead to some controversies.
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