It seems Guinness record holder Brahmanandam after working as assistant for ‘Gabbar Singh’ Power Star Pawan Kalyan is gaining confidence that he can set beautiful ‘Basanthi’ for his son Gautam. It is known that Brahmanandam wanted to see his son as a top hero unlike see him settle as a comedian replacing or carrying his comedian legacy in tollywood. He launched him with much fanfare with ‘Pallakilo Pellikuturu’ but Gautam failed to make any impact on movie lovers. Later he came saying ‘Vareva’ but viewers ran away from him scared of his antics and did not even say vareva. Now he is turning ‘Basanti’ under Dantuloori Chaitanya, who earlier who directed critically acclaimed film “Baanam”. Brahmi hopes that at least this award winning director will emerge successful in grooming Gautam and presenting him in a perfect format in front of movie lovers placing him on a success platform. However if he fails in his mission, then it will be curtains for his son Gautam and all the dreams of Brahmanandam will be dashed.
However many feel that though there is nothing wrong in Brahmanandam trying to make his son as a hero, he should after two to three films analyse the strong and weak points of his son and if he is not successful as hero he can try to cast him as a comedian. Brahmi should now his strength as a comedian and he can groom his son Gautam accordingly. Hope dad and son duo hears and act proactively.
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