Ganta: Pawan should lead protests against steel plant privatisation

Speaking to the media recently, TDP member Ganta Srinivasa Rao said that every single party in Andhra Pradesh is protesting against the privatisation of the Visakha Steel Plant in one way or another, except the Andhra Pradesh BJP, which is making strange statements.

Members of the AP BJP recently went to Delhi to speak to the leaders of the BJP, about the privatisation of the Visakha Steel Plant and returned three days later. After returning, members oft he AP BJP have started to say that no final decision on privatising the steel plant has yet been taken and that discussions about it are still going on.

Ganta said that Jagan and Chandrababu wrote letters to the PM on the issue, and Jana Sena Chief Pawan Kalyan even went to Delhi to discuss the issue. Ganta said that the lack of action on the BJP’s part will throw them into big trouble, as the public would lose their faith in the party.

On the other hand, Ganta also said that Jana Sena should pressure the AP BJP to fight against the privatisation of the Visakha Steel Plant, as both the parties are allies. Ganta also said that Pawan should lead the protest against the privatisation of the steel plant.

Furthermore, Ganta said that the Visakha Steel Plant belongs to the people of the state, as the steel plant has been built on the protests that people have carried out for it, and the kind of relationship that people have shared with the plant, ever since its establishment.

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