Bubbly Singer Geeta Madhuri who is setting the small screens on fire with her singing talent and bubbly looks is all set to invade film world now. She is all set to make her filmy debut in the ‘Naughty girl’ song of Victory Venkatesh’s Shadow. However, she is not going to be a dancer or item-queen in that song. She is just playing the role of singer on the screen too. , while gorgeous beauty Taapsee will enthral us with her hot dances. Victory Venkatesh is doing an action entertainer after a long time and he had pinned high hopes on this movie.
�Billa� and �Shakthi� fame Meher Ramesh is directing the movie. Tapsee is playing the love interest of Venky. Srikanth and Madhurima will be seen in important roles. Parchuri Kireeti is producing the movie on United Square movies banner. SS Thaman is rendering the music.
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