After the Sankranthi mayhem, the box-office battle was mostly limited to small and medium budget films in February and March, before the biggies take it over from early April, starting with Sardaar Gabbar Singh. Films like Kshanam and Kalyana Vaibhogame were termed good hits, while Jabardasth Rashmi same Guntur Talkies from being a dud with her sensuous exposure.
The success of these three low budget films only makes one feel that their box-office collections would have been even higher had that released in a proper season. Usually, February and March are considered dull seasons for film trade as a majority of moviegoers, the college students, will be busy with their exams.
All the recent hits, Kshanam, Kalyana Vaibhogame and Guntur Talkies collected nothing less than 5 crores share and trade pundits predict that another 1-1.5 crores could have easily been added had they released in the right season.
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