Amidst speculations that Pawan Kalyan and Venkatesh’s ‘Gopala Gopala’ is all set to take on box office this Diwali, there is a highly confirmed report from Ramanaidu Studios about the possible release date of the movie. This will surely give a breather to other films that are worried about locking horns with Oh My God remake.
Two big heroes and one powerful combination. What will be the better date for such a flick if not a biggest holiday season where almost all Telugu people are home? Unlike rumors that Gopala Gopala will be hitting screens in 2014 itself, makers have confirmed to a leading media house that Pawan-Venky treat will be targeted at Sankranthi 2015, probably on January 15th. Already scenes involving Pawan Kalyan as Lord Krishna are almost wrapped up barring a couple.
Director Kishore (Dolly) is shooting at jet speed to finish rest of the movie too. Shooting is going on at the moment and the cast includes Venky, Shriya, Madhu Shalini, Saikumar and others. Excited fans should wait till Jan 2015 anyway to feel the punch of Gopala Gopala.
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