Both hail from big families. Shriya Bhupal is a fashion designer who belongs to businessmen and industrialists family, the Bhupal’s and GVK’s, while Akhil is an actor who happens to be the heir apparent of Akkineni legacy. And calling off a wedding of them is a real shocker. But what’s the ground reality when it comes to the spat between these two.
Highly placed sources in both the camps revealed that both the bride and bridegroom who are engaged and getting ready to tie the knot soon had a spat at Rajeev Gandhi International Airport for unknown reasons. What started as a small argument has got blown into a fight and the two are said to have verbal with each other. Couple of days before the fight too, the two have attended a wedding of a family relative and they are in good spirits. However, this fight has pushed them to take a bitter decision of calling off the wedding.
Some sources stated that as the wedding date is inching faster, 22-year old Akhil started feeling little insecure as he’s younger than Shriya. With many friends commenting that it’s too early for him to get married, those words have played big in his mind, they say. At the same time Shriya is also upset that Akhil is not catering time to her but always busy catching up with guy-buddies and spending time listening to new scripts, the source added.
After knowing all these happenings, both Nagarjuna and GV Krishna Reddy have tried to sort out the differences between Akhil and Shriya, but they have failed to bring a reconciliation. Even bigger friends like Nimmagadda Prasad and others have plunged dive into the scene, but as the youngsters are in no mood to blur their differences, there are no other options left than cancelling the nuptial ceremony.
Definitely, it wasn’t an easy call for both the families to back off, but that’s what they call ‘fate’.Airport#sthash.tYrFKgNc.dpuf
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