Bollywood actress Sonakshi Sinha, who is making her Tamil debut with “Lingaa”, said Sunday she’s happy to be introduced as superstar Rajinikanth’s heroine in an industry where she’s just a newcomer. “I’m a newcomer here. Not many people know me. But I’m happy being introduced as Rajinikanth’s heroine,” Sonakshi told reporters here.
Speaking at the film’s audio launch, she even crooned a few lines of “Lungi dance”, much to the joy of the superstar’s fans. “Lingaa” is divided in two eras. Sonakshi, who plays a village belle, is Rajinikanth’s love interest in the 1940s, while Anushka Shetty plays the superstar’s pair in the modern day. The film, which is directed by K.S, Ravi Kumar, has music by double Oscar-winning A.R. Rahman.
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