Harish Shankar who is on cloud nine with the super success of Gabbar Singh, was reportedly disturbed with the controversies surrounding the famous Anthyakshari scene in the movie.
“We did not try to make fun of anyone with the movie. I have great respect for Raghavendra Rao garu and that song was one of the highlights of his career. The song and the steps of Rajashekar in the song was extremely popular back in those days. In the Antyakshari scene,all the songs until then are tragic slow numbers. So when Pawan asks the goondas to come up with an energetic number, this song comes up. We have placed this song as the song is extremely popular and people will connect well with it”, says Harish.
He also added ” People should known the difference between imitating someone and making fun of someone. In the movie, we have just imitated the hero of the song. We have not made fun of him. So please check out the facts before accusing us ”.
Well folks, that is Harish Shankar’s version.
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