Generally doctors advice against having wine or beer. However a research cameout with the findings that having glass of beer or wine will reduce heart attacks. In a shocking findings, a research conducted by Boffins from Harward revealed that the consumption of seven alcoholic drinks in a week boosted health significantly.
Consumption of glass of wine or beer a day reduces the risk of heart failure risk. Scientists found that having seven alcoholic drinks in a week reduce heart attacks by 16% in women and by fifth in men. More than 900000 people in UK are affected by heart failure and many of them are inherited diseases due to irregular heart beat, viral infections or defective heart valve.
Researchers observed 14629 Americans of the age group of 45-64 and of them many consumed 7-14, 14-21 and 21 or more drinks over the week. It was found that they experienced fewer heart problems.
Researchers however warned that it is dangerous for people to consume more than the prescribed levels of beer and wine.They say 14 ml alcohol is equal to 125 ml wine and 237 ml beer. European Heart Journal carried out the shocking findings in the research.
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