Presently the Hyderabad Central University has been witnessing protests over the suicide of Dalit Research Scholar Rohith Vemula and the HCU’s Vice Chancellor Appa Rao Podile and the university students have cheered the institution has ranked among the best in the country.
Podile has credited the HCU faculty, students and the non teaching staff of the varsity was ranked the fourth among all the educational institutions in the country. The HCU’s students union President has said it was wonderful and they are very much happy about the matter.
The ranking has proved that the agitation has not destroyed the academic atmosphere on the campus. The student’s union president is continuing the legacy. The University of Hyderabad which is popularly known as HCU has been ranked among the best universities of the country in the first government backed survey using the parameters ranging from research facilities and academic excellence to the placements of graduates.
The Vice Chancellor has met with the protests on the campus, even as classes remained suspended for a few days in the university amid the clampdown on the entry of outsiders.
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