The 34-year-old Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput, who was found dead in his Mumbai residence, was initially reported as a suicide and cops are currently investigating the case. Ever since his sudden death, his fans and netizens started sharing the actor’s “bucket list of 50 dreams” and it is full of zeal and passion.
Sushant’s bucket list is like tiny little droplets of ambitions and desires. This list was written by Sushant Singh in 2019 that he was desperate to accomplish. Some of his dreams are insanely crazy like train for Iron Man triathlon and playa cricket match left-handed.
One thing that the list also tells us vividly is Sushant was very fond of space, cosmos and astronomy. He wrote one of his dreams is to help children learn about Space and sent them to NASA workouts. Apart from these, there is much interesting stuff and it was truly depicting a journey between him and his aspirations. Take a look at his Bucket list….
My 50 DREAMS & counting…!
Learn how to Fly a Plane
Train for IronMan triathlon
Play a Cricket Match left-handed
Learn Morse Code
Help kids learn about Space.
Play tennis with a Champion
Do a Four Clap Push-Up !
Chart trajectories of Moon, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn for a week
Dive in a Blue-hole
Perform the Double-Slit experiment
Plant 1000 Trees
Spend an evening in my Delhi College of Engineering hostel
Send KIDS for workshops in ISRO/ NASA
Meditate in Kailash
Play Poker with a Champ
Write a Book
Visit CERN
Paint aurora borealis
Attend another NASA workshop
6 pack abs in 6 months
Swim in Cenotes
Teach Coding to visually impaired
Spend a Week in a Jungle
Understand Vedic Astrology
Visit LIGO.
Raise a horse
Learn at least 10 Dance forms
Work for Free Education
Explore Andromeda with a Powerful Telescope
Learn KRIYA Yoga
Visit Antarctica
Help train Women in Self-defense
Shoot an Active Volcano
Learn how to Farm
Teach dance to kids
Be an Ambidextrous Archer
Finish reading the entire Resnick – Halliday physics book
Understand Polynesian astronomy
Learn Guitar Chords of my fav. 50 songs
Play Chess with a Champion
Own a Lamborghini
Visit St.Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna
Perform experiments of Cymatics
Help prepare students for Indian Defence Forces
Make a documentary on Swami Vivekananda
Learn to Surf
Work in AI & exponential Technologies
Learn Capoeira
Travel through Europe by train
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