A special screening of Bollywood flick ‘Hamari Adhuri Kahani’ directed by Mohit Suri was arranged for Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav recently. Film’s lead Vidya Balan, Filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt and Akhilesh’s Wife Dimple Yadav were also present for the screening.
The film is about a single mother (Vidya Balan) who waits for her husband (Rajkumar Rao) who went missing to return home since 5 years. In the meantime, Vidya falls in love with Emraan Hashmi who works as a floral manager. The sequence of incidents after Rajkumar Rao’s return to home makes it an engaging film.
Akhilesh Yadav connected well with the under-current emotion in the movie. After watching it, Country’s Youngest CM has issued orders permitting ‘Tax Exemption’ for ‘Hamari Adhuri Kahani’ in Uttar Pradesh.
‘Hamari Adhuri Kahani’ collected Rs 22.47 crore in the Domestic Market in 5 Days. Mahesh Bhatt claims response for the emotional drama has been phenomenal and especially the women of this country received it well.
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