Arjun Reddy continues to dominate headlines and has been staying in news for its controversies. A la in the film where she fought with her ‘reel’ parents for her love, the film’s lead lady Shalini Pandey had fought with her ‘real’ parents for her career, passion – films.
According to Shalini, her father had objected when she expressed her interest to join films and strongly protested. Shalini had decided to take on her own parents to follow her heart. In fact, she had then threatened to file case against her father after which her parents stopped talking to her. With the help of her friends, Shalini managed to got a break through Arjun Reddy and needless to say that there is no looking back now.
Shalini Pandey hails from Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh and her father is a government employee.
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