Even as Raj Tarun’s latest offering Kittu Unnadu Jagratta is doing moderately well in the theatres, here is the update about the actor’s next release Andhagadu. It’s heard that the makers are toying with the idea of releasing the film in mid April. If all goes as per the latest plan, the film would hit the screens on April 14. It will mark the directorial debut of Veligonda Sreenivas who has penned stories for several films including Dhamarakum, Akhil and etc.
Since Baahubali: The Conclusion is releasing on April 28 and there would not be another major releases at least two weeks after Baahubali and there’s Allu Arjun’s Duvvada Jagannadham in May, producer Anil Sunkara doesn’t want to wait further and contemplating to have the release prior to Baahubali.
In fact, Anil is said to be happy with the response to Kittu. A source close to him confirmed that the openings were good in domestic market and said this would be the second hit for Raj Tarun in their banner while Eedo Rakam Aado Rakam being the first one.
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