Anasuya Bharadwaj’s entry onto big screen has enough of exciting twists. As we all know, the most popular TV show anchor and host for cinema related events has got a call from Pawan Kalyan and Trivikram Srinivas in early career days to dance on special song in ‘Aththarintiki Daaredi.’ However, Anasuya denied the offer on different grounds and her cine entry wasn’t properly locked from there on.
Now, Anasuya agreed to become a part of Nagarjuna’s upcoming movie ‘Soggade Chinni Nayana’ playing Maradalu to star hero. What’s disappointing is; Anasuya never became a part of film promotions either during first look release or first teaser on Youtube. Anasuya’s look in the movie is kept hidden by SCN unit, may be to surprise the viewers only on big screen. Understanding her demand for identity, initially makers have released few pictures of Anasuya besides Nagarjuna.
Not to stop here, the small screen star shared few more of her stills from behind the scenes recently on social networking. ‘Hey guys!! Sup?! Sharing few solo moments behind the scenes from SCN,’ Anasuya posted. As the film is set in rural backdrop, Anasuya has gone for complete image makeover and surely, she is going to dominate others with glittering presence.
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